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Welcome to asdFM, a free online radio station just like all of the other millions out there. Although we're much cooler than the rest. Yeah.


DJ Profiles

GLORIOUS LEADER FOR MAKE YOU RADIOS ETC. Plays crap most of the time.
Elven Prince
Elven Prince, or Jamie, doesn't have a regular show at the moment. He usually fills in whenever the loop is playing, and broadcasts a wide range of music; ranging from rock, to pop, and musical soundtracks to dance techno.
Crazy Scottish girl with crazier music taste, shows often involve her shouting at her older brother. She is always stuck for words, and generally talks about how much she hates Mathematics. Also plays a lot of Biffy Clyro... you have been warned.
Tis Ben/RabbitDrive and I'm one of the regular DJs and if you don't listen to my mixture of rock, parodies, and various other shit I'll send Tom Beasley to get you. (He's my bitch)
Art is a big music fan in general, so he will definitely (ASDFGHJKL IS SURE THERE SHOULD BE ANOTHER WORD HERE BUT WHO KNOWS) a bit of everything. His show is like a phone-in show, but with MSN and absolutely no organisation. So listen in for some amazing improvs and a lot of Eminem.
El Banaña
Ben/El Banaña is a DJ from 'down south' who can't stand shouty stuff so his obscure Sunday slot ensures a wide mix of pop, rock, live music, banter and random shit. If you've heard when you were young then chances are he'll play it.
DJ winRAR aka Mike Smith, his late-night Tuesday slot where he bangs out any-type of music you want, as long as he can find a LEGAL download. Favourite artists at the moment include The Subways, Chase and Status and Arctic Monkeys. But he'll play anything from Indie to Dub.
Canada is brodcasting from Vancouver on a Sunday slot, and has decided to care about your musical needs. That is, if it conforms to Canada's musical tastes. His musical tastes will range mostly of Modest Mouse, Lykke Li, Jens Lekman and other Indie Rock troubadours to Jazz to Electronica to even, yes, the Beastie Boys. He has made his mission to not only play what he wants, but also to show you new music and songs you most likely will not hear, like that new album from the Shanghai Restoration Project that makes your ears explode.
Well I love radio, so to do radio myself is even more erotic, I mean exciting!! There is a whole range of songs from Bass and Rave to Musicals. From Kanye to My chem. If you want choice choose me!! :D [/missworld]
Beegs has the early slot at 5pm till 6.30 on Mondays. Whether he remembers this or not is another matter entirely, as it appears to be slightly too early for him AND most listeners. However, he has done slots elsewhere in the past, including the Eurovision epic slot. He will search for later time slots if his brain doesn't fall out. His music collection can range from the sane and decent "Rock/Indie" stuff to Albert the Fifth Musketeer and Monkey Island.
Tom Beasley
Ohai! I'm Tom, the freakishly young-looking guy from Coventry. On my shows, I tend to play a strange mixture of everything, with the notable exception of rap which is just awful. My favourites are cheesy pop songs, parodies and songs from musicals. My regular slot is 9-10:30 on Tuesday nights, but I try to get on whenever I can. So yeah, that's me. Listen!
:D im bringing you all your indie/alternative needs, and on rare days i might play some justin timberlake..... for reasons i shall not name. I'm from new zealand, flick me an email if you like im also a musician, i play guitar, drums, bass and i sing but im more of a guitarist. so anyway later! enjoy my music!
I never really do anything here, I try to go on but whenever I want to its either midnight here or 3:00 AM over there...
With a mix of utter shite, random combinations of music, & lots of shoutouts & innuendo, the Irish are taking over teh radioz on Friday nights! ;D Interests include: music (duh) computers, swearing, & sex. Email me at Kriseh (AT) asdfm (DOT) co (DOT) uk
Well, hello, I'm Ben, well you'll probably know that seeing as it says it right above this. Well, I have a very mixed taste in music, it's mainly tunes I hear on TVor from friends. Except jazz records, or as I refer to them, liquid discs of shit. If you watch Chuck then you'll probably recognize most of my non-requested music (recognise, damn you you American set iPhone). So thanks for sitting through all this and, uh, well, Goodnight! Or morning, who knows when you'll be reading this paragraph of pretty much useless trivia about myself. Oh and we'll always have Omaha (kudos to those who get both references, or cookies, ooh or a muffin. Damn, now I want a feckin muffin). Sent from my iPhone
Sophie's occasional shows are filled with a mix of pop tunes and relatively unknown artists, depending on her mood. She'll take requests and talk between songs, as long as she has something to say.
Steven Jackson
Hosting STEtv Radio, I'm all about all genres of music, ranting on, and taking requests sometimes. And when I can be bothered, I may even just let you comment in and get shoutouts! Don't get your hopes up though, just expect random music and even more random chatting :)
Jesus and Alex double team you.
Random messy banter tunes and tomfoolery from two very well dressed magicians with the big feathery mace to tickle your fancy and a surreal sense of amusements.
Hello everyone its Maxxiee here from the Show "Maxxiee Radio" thanks for looking at my little paragraph. All i want to say really is tune in to me on Sundays 1-4 for the Maxxiee Show where there will be banter, competitions, headlining news (NOT) and maybe a guest or two. So be there or be square.
From that little place up north. She'll take requests, shout-outs and gossip.
She's got a passion for music so will play a range of music to tickle your fancy, even if that means a bit of GLEE -cough-gleek-cough-.
So let's get messy ;D.
James // Hetfield
Yeah, I come from Northern Ireland. Not Ireland, Northern Ireland. Come calling me Irish and I'll rip your face off. I'll play metal, basically Slipknot and Metallica but I'll go into Machine Head and rap metal like Hatebreed and Rage Against the Machine occasionally. I'll talk about random shite, like video games, music and the gayness of Justin Beiber. That's me, and remember, Northern Irish, not Irish.
Yema is a 16 year old DJ from Reading, who will tend to play everything you ask her to, with a few exceptions. She can assure you that at least one John Barrowman song will be played every show and likes to embarrass people on air as much as possible, including herself. She even has her own hashtag on twitter (#YemaShow) and is known as the DJ who can't pronounce half of what she's playing!

Appear here!

Email your DJ name, a picture (.jpg format, size doesn't really matter) and a short paragraph about yourself to asdfghjkl AT asdfm DOT co DOT uk.